Blog | Cancer–Fighting Cocoa - National Foundation for Cancer Research


Cancer–Fighting Cocoa

Who doesn’t love chocolate? When it comes to a beloved treat, chocolate is a common favorite. But, unfortunately, there are consequences that aren’t that sweet!

Don’t get us wrong, we’re not trying to rain on your parade. The truth is there are pros and cons to the delectable delight. For example, dark chocolate contains powerful cancer-fighting antioxidants called flavanols, but also includes cocoa butter which has high levels of unhealthy saturated fat that can raise cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease when consumed in excess.

Cocoa Can Help Fight Cancer

Dark chocolate and chocolate powderSo what could be a better option than dark chocolate?

When it comes to fighting cancer, the answer is simple: Cocoa!

One gram of cocoa contains over 30 mg of flavanols, whereas one gram of dark chocolate only contains approximately 12.5 mg. What’s more one ounce of dark chocolate typically contains about 170 calories, 12 grams of fat and 10 grams of sugar, while one ounce of unsweetened cocoa powder contains only 70 calories, 4 grams of fat and virtually no sugar.

Add Powdered Cocoa to Your Diet

oatmeal with cocoaBy adding powdered cocoa to your diet, you can reap its cancer-fighting benefits without the guilt.

It may taste bitter by itself, but you can simply add 2-4 Tablespoons in foods like oatmeal, smoothies or shakes to make a delicious addition to your healthy diet. You’ll find cocoa powder in the baking aisle at your local grocery store.

For more cancer-fighting food tips and recipes, visit